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Pre-K Content

First Class: Alabama's Voluntary Pre-K  is part of the Office of School Readiness. First Class Pre-K provides effective, high quality early childhood experiences that prepare Alabama's children for school success and lifelong learning. 

Office of School Readiness defines school readiness as a condition whereby children enter school with:

  • an ability to function in a a social setting
  • age-appropriate communication and problem solving skills
  • age-appropriate physical and emotional skills
  • optimal health

Why High-Quality Pre-Kindergarten?                                                                                                 

Numerous studies have shown that students who have participated in high-quality pre-kindergarten programs:

  • score higher on achievement tests and less likely to repeat a grade
  • are more likely to graduate from high-school and go on to college
  • get higher paying salaries as adults
  • are more likely to stay out of prison and off welfare